Mike Dalessio / @flavorjones
mike.daless.io / blog.flavorjon.es
GoGaRuCo 2013
$ gem install nokogirl
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
It's actually spelled nokogiri, not nokogirl
Successfully installed nokogiri-1.6.0
Successfully installed nokogirl-1.0
2 gems installed
A Ruby API for XML/HTML parsing and manipulation.
I hate XML.
But I ❤ making painful things not-painful.
Nokogiri has been downloaded 14.8 million times.
(Rails has 27.6 million downloads, Formtastic has 1.7 million.)
If Rails is
So yes, Nokogiri does one boring thing.
But it does it well, and people seem to like it.
And that makes me happy.
“There's an old saying about those who forget history. I don't remember it, but it's good.”
— Stephen Colbert
Scraping HTML with Mechanize.
Scraping super-secret HTML with Mechanize.
Problem: Needed support for client-side certificates.
Solution: Emailed a patch to @tenderlove
My First ✌Pull request✌
@tenderlove was open and kind and responsive.
I sent more patches.
I got commit privileges.
I kept contributing.
Scraping HTML with Mechanize.
Scraping broken HTML with Mechanize.
(@flavorjones, in full Github-stalker mode)
You're working on an XML wrapper, right? Do you have any thoughts on how useful libxml2 would be with malformed HTML? For me, this was actually the killer feature of Hpricot -- it manages to un-mangle HTML really well ... There's a lot of malformed HTML out there.
(@tenderlove, being indulgent)
Awesome! Yes. Libxml actually handles broken HTML better than hpricot does. I have test cases for which libxml will handle broken html better than hpricot.
I've submitted those test cases as bugs for hpricot as well. I would have patched hpricot, but it is too hard for me to read!
How can I help out?
I've started a project called 'nokogiri' which is my libxml wrapper. There is no C, it uses DL exclusively.
Dynamic Language binding.
Call C libraries without writing C code.
# lib/nokogiri/dl/xml.rb
module Nokogiri
module DL
module XML
extend ::DL::Importer
dlload('libxml2.so') rescue dlload('libxml2.dylib')
extern "void * xmlReadMemory (const char *, int, const char *,
const char *, int)"
# lib/nokogiri/xml.rb
module Nokogiri
module XML
class << self
def parse(string, url = nil, encoding = nil, options = 1)
string, string.length,
(url || 0),
(encoding || 0),
DL was slow. Really slow.
We killed it and started writing a C extension to call libxml2 directly.
static VALUE read_memory( VALUE klass,
VALUE string,
VALUE url,
VALUE encoding,
VALUE options )
const char * c_buffer = StringValuePtr(string);
const char * c_url = NIL_P(url) ? NULL : StringValuePtr(url);
const char * c_enc = NIL_P(encoding) ? NULL : StringValuePtr(encoding);
int len = (int)RSTRING_LEN(string);
xmlDocPtr doc;
doc = xmlReadMemory(c_buffer, len, c_url, c_enc, (int)NUM2INT(options));
The toughest problem we encountered writing Nokogiri:
Discovering and debugging libxml2's memory management.
What happens when you move a Node to another Document, then GC the first Doc?
What happens to the Ruby object pointing to a non-existent C object?
Actual comment explaining some insane memory-management logic:
* if the reparentee is a text node, there's a very good chance it
* will be merged with an adjacent text node after being reparented,
* and in that case libxml will free the underlying C struct.
* since we clearly have a ruby object which references the underlying
* memory, we can't let the C struct get freed. let's pickle the original
* reparentee by rooting it; and then we'll reparent a duplicate of the
* node that we don't care about preserving.
* alternatively, if the reparentee is from a different document than the
* pivot node, libxml2 is going to get confused about which document's
* "dictionary" the node's strings belong to (this is an otherwise
* uninteresting libxml2 implementation detail). as a result, we cannot
* reparent the actual reparentee, so we reparent a duplicate.
In conclusion, learn these tools!
to find unsafe memory ops and memory leaksperftools.rb
for looking at performance bottlenecksWe boldly stole the best XML API we could find ...
Hpricot's API.
The first few versions of Nokogiri had an Hpricot-compatible API module.
(DST weekend.)
People liked to argue a lot about XML library benchmarks in 2008.
And people loved Hpricot.
Lots of people had opinions on benchmarks:
Here are some BS benchmarks:
For an html snippet 2374 bytes long ...
user system total real
regex * 1000 0.160000 0.010000 0.170000 ( 0.182207)
nokogiri * 1000 1.440000 0.060000 1.500000 ( 1.537546)
hpricot * 1000 5.740000 0.650000 6.390000 ( 6.401207)
it took an average of 0.0015 seconds for Nokogiri
it took an average of 0.0064 seconds for Hpricot
For an html snippet 97517 bytes long ...
user system total real
regex * 10 0.100000 0.020000 0.120000 ( 0.122117)
nokogiri * 10 0.310000 0.020000 0.330000 ( 0.322290)
hpricot * 10 3.190000 0.300000 3.490000 ( 3.502819)
it took an average of 0.0322 seconds for Nokogiri
it took an average of 0.3503 seconds for Hpricot
In retrospect, largely pointless, other than driving us to fix bottlenecks more quickly.
<tangent class="personal">
Late 2008, I was introduced to Pivotal Labs by a fan of Nokogiri.
I was hired largely on the basis of my open-source work.
"I can't imagine hiring someone that I didn't know through open source."
"Open source is your farm system. Use it!"
Pivotal regularly receives applications without a link to a GitHub profile, or references to public or open-source work.
Then, in August 2009, this tweet:
JRuby didn't fully support the C extension API.
This was a problem for JRubyists who wanted to use Nokogiri.
One codebase that ran on MRI, Rubinius and JRuby.
Foreign Function Interface
Ruby calling native C code directly.
attach_function :xmlReadMemory,
[:string, :int, :string, :string, :int],
module Nokogiri
module XML
class Document < Node
def self.read_memory(string, url, encoding, options)
wrap_with_error_handling do
LibXML.xmlReadMemory(string, string.length, url, encoding, options)
Shout out to Wayne Meissner (@wmeissner).
I spent January to May 2009 doing this.
It took 3,049 lines of Ruby/FFI code
to reproduce 4,150 lines of C code.
Development was handicapped by lack of compile-time checking.
JVM GC edge cases.
Requires you think in C and translate to Ruby.
Though FFI is reportedly much faster these days, serializing data and calling through the FFI stack is always going to be slower than a native function call.
Let me tell you a story about RubyConf 2009.
"Portability is for people who cannot write new programs."
— Linus Torvalds
Spanish college student.
Spiked on a pure-Java port over GSOC 2009.
It (mostly) worked.
A Ruby Bounty was created to finish up a pure-Java port, using Xerces and NekoHTML.
$625 was the largest Bounty ever at the time.
Ruby Bounty contributors:
Ruby Bounty winners:
$ sloccount ext lib
Totals grouped by language
(dominant language first):
java: 9206 (50.72%)
ansic: 4758 (26.22%)
ruby: 3932 (21.67%)
yacc: 253 (1.39%)
For a flavor of the zeitgeist, check out this awesome ruby-talk thread
Three general opinions expressed:
Hard for different reasons on different platforms.
But, basically: dependencies.
Let's do this in chronological order:
Nobody has a build toolchain.
Nobody has libxml2 installed on their system.
Cross-compile and package DLLs with the gem:
"Fat Binary" Gems
$ ls -l gems
total 21652
-rw-r--r-- 1 miked 9870336 Mar 11 17:31 nokogiri-1.5.7-x86-mingw32.gem
-rw-r--r-- 1 miked 9870336 Mar 11 17:31 nokogiri-1.5.7-x86-mswin32-60.gem
-rw-r--r-- 1 miked 221184 Mar 11 17:31 nokogiri-1.5.7.gem
Fat because we have to compile against multiple rubies:
Luis Lavena (@luislavena) supports the Windows build toolchain basically single-handedly.
- builds native extensions
n* mini_portile
- builds autoconf packagesHe rules!
Any Ruby Windows developers out there?
We could use some Windows peeps to help support the platform.
Tweet me, maybe: @flavorjones
Nokogiri's JRuby port uses specific libraries:
and nekohtml
These may not be installed on the target system.
Build and package jar
$ ls lib/*jar
The JRuby gem is also a "Fat Binary"
$ ls -l gems
total 21652
-rw-r--r-- 1 miked 2204160 Mar 11 17:31 nokogiri-1.5.7-java.gem
-rw-r--r-- 1 miked 9870336 Mar 11 17:31 nokogiri-1.5.7-x86-mingw32.gem
-rw-r--r-- 1 miked 9870336 Mar 11 17:31 nokogiri-1.5.7-x86-mswin32-60.gem
-rw-r--r-- 1 miked 221184 Mar 11 17:31 nokogiri-1.5.7.gem
Unlike most C extensions, we have unwieldy external dependencies:
int is_2_6_16(void)
return (strcmp(xmlParserVersion, "20616") <= 0) ? 1 : 0 ;
if ( reparentee->type == XML_TEXT_NODE
&& pivot->type == XML_TEXT_NODE
&& is_2_6_16(
) {
/* work around a string-handling bug in libxml 2.6.16.
we'd rather leak than segfault. */
pivot->content = xmlStrdup(pivot->content);
Currently the default for homebrew.
Xpath query bug breaks CSS queries.
(This was very recently fixed.)
"Didn't you just say that mini_portile
will compile autoconf
projects and bind to them at gem installation time?"
Packages libxml2 and libxslt inside the gem.
Installation Just Works™.
(You can still use your system libraries if you really want to.)
I can lock Nokogiri's logic to a specific version of libxml2, lowering support and testing burden.
Nokogiri 2.0 roadmap up at github.com/sparklemotion/nokogiri
Improving APIs:
attributes APIAddressing architectural issues:
If you're a Windows MRI user,
Demonstrate to gem maintainers that Windows MRI is worth supporting.
If you aren't already,
Start small. Iterate. Get lots of small wins. Make friends. Get a better job.
You are annoyed by something small and boring somewhere. Go fix it.
And get to hang out with @tenderlove.